EPIC RETURN-ON-INVESTMENT ROI Calculator EPIC ROI CALCULATOR Is your facility, cleaning business, or customer still using traditional floor finish (wax) to maintain floors? Get your FREE report now! To see how EPIC® High-Performance Floor Finish can save money, time, and other valuable resources, fill in the fields below then click the blue button. Square Footage Total Square Feet square feet The total square footage for your project. Labor Cost per hour: $per hour Travel distance: miles (one way) How far do workers need to travel to the job site? Wax Stripping Strip frequency: time(s) How often is the floor stripped? - peryear(s) Coats applied after each strip: coats per time After stripping, how many coats of wax are applied? Wax Recoating Recoat frequency: recoats per year How often is the floor recoated (without stripping)? Coats applied for each recoat: coats per recoat Each recoat (without stripping), how many coats of wax are applied? Wax Buffing Buffing frequency: times per year How many times per year is the floor buffed? EPIC® Years Between EPIC® Recoats years This is typically 3 to 5. How many application cycles of EPIC® to calculate? application cycles Use 1 to calculate a single application, or 2 or more to include recoats. Total Years Calculated years total This is how many years your calculated totals project. TOTALS Wax Total Cost if sticking with wax EPIC® Total Cost after switching to EPIC® Wax is costing you times as much as EPIC®! EPIC® would save you percent of costs! These calculations are estimates based on industry standard values and user inputs. TOTALS Wax Total Cost if sticking with wax EPIC® Total Cost after switching to EPIC® Wax is costing you times as much as EPIC®! EPIC® would save you percent of costs! Cost Comparison Corner Wax Header EPIC® Header Savings Header Power Wax Power EPIC® Power Power Savings % Water Wax Water EPIC® Water Water Savings % Labor Wax Labor EPIC® Labor Labor Savings % Pads Wax Pads Was [1410] EPIC® Pads Was [1429] Pads Savings % Coating Wax Coating EPIC® Coating Coating Savings % Stripper Wax Stripper EPIC® Stripper Stripper Savings % TOTAL WAX EPIC® TOTAL Savings % Wax EPIC Savings Power % Water % Labor % Pads % Coating % Stripper % TOTAL % Resource Use Comparison Corner Text Text Text Coating Wax Coating EPIC® Coating Coating Savings % Stripper Wax Stripper EPIC® Stripper Stripper Savings % Water Wax Water EPIC® Water Water Savings % Pads Wax Pads EPIC® Pads Pads Savings % VOCs Wax VOCs EPIC® VOCs VOCs Savings % Gasoline Wax Gasoline EPIC® Gasoline Gasoline Savings % Wax EPIC Savings Coating (gal) % Stripper (gal) % Water (gal) % Pads % VOCs (g/L) % Gasoline (gal) % Text Text Click here to see your full report! If you are human, leave this field blank. Learn More About epic high-performance floor finish