Upcoming Training Opportunity and New Case Study - UDT Concrete Corner May Newsletter
Upcoming Opportunity: Concrete Product Training
UDT Concrete Coatings distributor, Allsource Supply Inc., is hosting a Concrete Product Training in Oshkosh next week, May 8-9. Travis Negaard and Chris Boxmeyer will be present for support during this in-depth workshop. Contact UDT if you would like to attend. Please see details below!
Case Study: Rescuing a Luxury Car Showroom Floor
UDT is excited to share its latest case study featuring coating the metallic floor of a Lamborghini and Ferrari showroom in Tampa, Florida. United Surface Preparation of Tampa serves as the distributor to Redeye Concrete, which specializes in a wide range of decorative concrete techniques.
Under the guidance of United Surface Preparation, Troy Lewis and his crew coated the metallic floor with Ultra HTS, a clear (also tintable), high-solids, 100% aliphatic urethane formulated to provide extreme chemical resistance and durability as a topcoat for new and existing flooring systems. The results? Stunning!
Calling All Contractors, Garage Floor Season is Here!
Spring has sprung! We invite you to put your trust in UDT and its distributors to help you meet all of your garage floor (and all other concrete) coating needs!
Each quarter, a UDT employee is selected randomly to choose a charity to which they would like us to make a $1,000 donation. For our Quarter 2 2023 donation, our Human Resources Officer, Debbie Ferguson, was chosen to pick the charity of her choice. She selected a program by Youth for Christ called Satisfied.
Satisfied is a skateboarding ministry for teenagers in 6th to 12th grade. When Debbie's youngest child was in high school, he developed a passion for skateboarding and had the opportunity to participate in the program. Debbie is thrilled that YFC and Josh Miller have formed this unique ministry that provides youth skateboarders with a safe place to be positively influenced by their peers and mentors.
Debbie had this to say: "Thank you so much for this incredible opportunity to donate to the charity of my choice. It makes my heart feel so good to be able to send UDT’s donation to SATISFIED!" Thank YOU, Debbie!
Quote of the Month
“Identify your problems, but give your power and energy to solutions.”
-Tony Robbins
Connect with UDT today to keep up with new products and information in the coatings industry. We'd love to follow you, too!