Opportunities we offer

UDT and its distributors provide thorough training seminars about preparing floors, mixing product, and applying floor coatings. Training seminars combine our experience as a formulator and manufacturer along with our distributor’s knowledge of our products and industry best practices.
Upcoming Training Seminars
UDT believes our distributors and contractors deserve the most complete training to ensure successful results and meet or exceed customer expectations every time. Contact Us or email info@ultradt.com to receive more information about this training opportunity or request a training seminar near you.

Ultra Durable Technologies is proud to introduce our UDT Online Training Program. This training tool includes a series of online courses that highlight the essential aspects of EPIC water-based urethane – a unique water-based urethane specifically formulated as an alternative to acrylic floor finish for VCT, LVT, linoleum, ceramic, terrazzo and concrete!

Watch the following 60-second video to preview course content!
The courses are designed for technicians and sales staff and can be taken on a computer or on a browser-capable mobile device. These 10 complete courses will help get you certified to prepare, mix, and apply EPIC successfully!
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